Green Thai Curry with Cabbage and Chicken Breast : Leaf the cabbage and coarsely chop the leaves. Blanch them in a pot of boiling water...
Endive, Chicken, and Maroilles Pizza Calzone : Preheat the oven to 482°F (Gas mark 8-9). Roll out the pizza dough on a floured surface into...
Chicken Waterzoï with Watercress and Sorrel : Trim and slice the celery. Peel the carrots, cut them in half lengthwise, then into thick slices. Peel...
Maroilles Cheese Fries with Beer : Pour the beer into a saucepan with the brown sugar. Reduce by half over low heat. Add the veal...
Spinach, Mushroom, and Ricotta Cannelloni : Clean the spinach in a large volume of water. Drain and remove the stems. In a buttered pan, wilt...
Zucchini and Tuna Lasagna with Bechamel : Finely slice the onions and sauté them in a pan with olive oil until they sweat. Add the...
Duck and Spinach Risotto Bites : Sauté 1 tablespoon of chopped onion with half of the oil, add the rice, and stir for 3 minutes....
Sausages with Lentils : Peel and thinly slice the onions. Peel the carrots and dice them finely. In a sauté pan, sauté the onions in...
Chili con Carne : Drain and rinse the beans. Peel and slice the onions. Peel and press the garlic cloves. Peel the carrot and cut...
Butternut Squash Gratin with Gorgonzola : Preheat the oven to 356°F (th.6). Peel the butternut squash and cut it into large cubes. Peel and wash...
Stewed Split Peas and Smoked Sausages : Brown the sausages in a hot pan with a little oil or goose fat. Add the bacon lardons...
Potatoes with Chive Sauce : Preheat the oven to 392°F (th.6-7). Wash the potatoes thoroughly and dry them. Wrap each potato in aluminum foil and...
Salmon with Caramelized Lemon Sauce : This recipe highlights salmon, a rich and flavorful fish, paired with a tangy caramelized lemon sauce. The salmon is...
Hake with Lemon, Broad Beans, and Peas : Peel the carrot, onion, and shallot. Slice the carrot and finely chop the onion. Sauté them in...
Risotto with Peas and Bresaola : Peel and slice the carrot, peel and chop one onion, discard the green part of the leek and slice...
Grilled Eggplants with Pistou : Preheat the oven to 392°F (th.6-7). Wash the eggplants and cut them into slices about 2 cm thick. Brush both...
Sautéed Quinoa with Mushrooms and Goat Cheese : Peel and slice the onions, and peel and chop the garlic. Wash the mushrooms and slice them....
Duck Confit Tagine with Dried Fruits : Peel the carrots and slice them into strips. Peel and slice the onions. Peel and chop the garlic....
Crozets Casseroles with Saint-Nectaire : Boil the crozets in salted water for 15 minutes until tender. Drain them. Cut the Saint-Nectaire into 8 thin slices....
Tartiflette : Boil the potatoes in a pot of salted water for 20 minutes until tender. Drain, peel, and cut them into thick slices. Cut...
Gratinated Butternut Squash Tian : Peel the butternut squash and cut it into 0.5 to 1 cm thick slices, removing the seeds. Slice the bread...